

Media Policy is Interesting (Really)!

It's a rare thing to have media policy issues in the mainstream. It's not because they're complicated, although they can be. And not because policy is boring; once you understand what's going on, you'll see how important it is to daily American life.

Media policy is one of the most essential issues out there because it determines what you see - or don't see - on your TV, internet, radio, etc.

Too much crap on the radio? That's because some members of the FCC decided it was okay for one company to own 1,200+ radio stations nationwide (and that company thought it would be a good idea to play the same 12 songs over and over again until the end of time).

There are occasionally some good guys (i.e. those who put people before profit) in government and the FCC, like Commissioner Michael Copps, who said the following words (which encapsulates why I ever wanted to go into media in the first place):
"Building a media environment that truly reflects and truly nourishes our diversity and democracy may be our nation’s greatest calling now because, without that, all the other huge issues we confront won’t receive the kind of true journalistic scrutiny they need if they are to find satisfactory resolution."
But back to media policy. It doesn't make it into the spotlight much because the handful of corporations that own the media are actually okay with the public being left in the dark on these issues. (Imagine that!) They'd rather sell you the latest reality show than actually have you understand the reality of how the country/world works. Funny, huh? (Maybe not ha ha funny...)

The biggest current media issue is net neutrality. Thanks to David from Re/Creating Tampa for posting this clip from The Daily Show. It's easily the most entertaining explanation of net neutrality out there.

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